I'm just home from Chicago and so happy to report that I am now officially an Artist Member of Original Doll Artist Council of America (ODACA). This past year's odyssey of creating and critiques has truly been a growth experience, and although I have learned much, I know in my polymer clay bones that I have only begun. As a part of three supportive and amazing groups of artists--CTADS (Central Texas Art Doll Sculptors), TAODA (Texas Association of Original Doll Artists); and now ODACA--I look forward to new work, new friendships, and new adventures. I hope to be posting more regularly, and I also hope you'll be following as I showcase some older pieces as well as works in progress.
Meanwhile, if you're going to be in Houston over the next few weeks, I'll have two pieces in a show, Dolls Now, at the Houston Center for Contemporary Craft (HCCC) that opens on July 31. There's also a reception on August 5, if you're able to stop by.